East Windsor Resident Earns Founders' Day 2019 Graduate Student Award of Merit

Philadelphia, PA (03/08/2019) — An established researcher whose findings have led to a patent, Boyenoh Gaye PhD'19 (pharmaceutics) was presented with the 2019 Graduate Student Award of Merit during University of the Sciences' 198th Founders' Day Ceremony on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019.

"Boyenoh Gaye was described in her nomination letter as 'embodying the founders' pioneering spirit,'" said Ross W. Radish, Dean of Students at USciences. "Examples of this spirit include four publications, six major professional meeting presentations and providing laboratory mentorship to other students."

Gaye is a current PhD candidate in Pharmaceutics who came to USciences from East Windsor, NJ.

"This accomplishment is what I am most proud of during my time at USciences," said Gaye.

Her research, which focuses on cell culture to biomarker detection and nanotubes for drug delivery, has received a patent and a provisional patent application is pending.

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Boyenoh Gaye receives the 2019 Graduate Student Award of Merit award.